20-Day Habit Builder: Ready To Win Challenge


We’re focusing on progress over perfection with my 20-Day Habit Builder: Ready to Win Challenge. This isn’t about doing it all or being perfect — it’s about making small, consistent investments in the five most important areas of your life:

Spirit – Start your day with just 10 minutes to center yourself spiritually.
Emotions – Spend 10 minutes daily checking in with how you feel and strengthening your emotional health.
Physical Health – Move your body for 30 minutes, three times a week.
Professional Competency – Build your skills with a 10-minute focus on personal growth each workday.
Fun – Yes, fun matters! Take 10 minutes, three times a week, to dream, laugh, or relax with something you love.

Here’s the best part — this only takes 4.5 hours a week, leaving you plenty of time for everything else. By investing just 11% of your time in these areas, you’ll gain confidence, energy, and clarity as you move through your year.

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