We’re wrapping up the series this week with the glue that holds a plan for the leader to be away in place – discipline and accountability. Committing to discipline ensures that the team adheres to processes and maintains a high standard of work. Accountability helps in tracking progress and addressing any issues promptly.

Here are 3 steps to ensuring your team can operate and execute using discipline and accountability:

- Implement a consistent check-in system: Establish a regular check-in system to monitor progress and address any challenges the team might face. We love daily progress check-ins using a task tracker like Asana or Slack.

- Create a Contingency Plan: Prepare for any unexpected situations by creating a contingency plan. Identify potential risks and outline the steps to mitigate them. This proactive approach ensures that the team remains disciplined and can handle any issues that arise. This is easiest to plan for in advance when you’re delegating tasks within the team.

- Encourage Self-Discipline: Foster a culture of self-discipline where team members take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities. Encourage them to stay organized, manage their time effectively, and adhere to deadlines.

In conclusion, preparing your team for your travel involves clear communication, fostering hard work, and maintaining discipline. By being honest and transparent, setting clear expectations, and recognizing efforts, you build trust and ensure your team remains motivated. Encouraging hard work and commitment, leading by example, and setting short-term goals keep the momentum going. Maintaining discipline through regular check-ins, contingency planning, and promoting self-discipline ensures accountability and high performance. Using The Winning Tools, you can confidently leave your team knowing they are well-prepared to thrive in your absence.


Embracing Structure: Preparing for Post-Summer Scheduling


Foster a culture where team members are motivated