Foster a culture where team members are motivated

We’re continuing our series around “When The Leader Is Away” and this week we’re talking about using the second pillar of The Winning Tools — Hard Work.  

Encouraging Hard Work and commitment in your team is crucial to your organization’s success when you’re absent. One reason The Winning Tools System is so powerful is because it weaves these principles into the fabric of your team culture. It’s not something you have to teach from scratch when you need to take time away — it is something that is built into the way you operate every single day. 

Foster a culture where team members are motivated to put in their best effort, regardless of your presence. Here’s how:

  • Lead by Example: Work hard in advance to create a plan for being gone and clearly communicate who will own what while you’re away. Your dedication in creating a clear, organized  plan sets a powerful example for your team. Empower each person in their respectful position so that they feel the confidence to take on their role. 

  • Acknowledge Efforts: Recognize and appreciate the hard work of your team members. Positive reinforcement encourages them to continue putting in their best effort. If you’re able, send regular updates praising the progress and efforts made by the team during your absence. If you need to be fully disconnected, plan a time when you return to look over their work and acknowledge their progress. 

  • Set Short-Term Goals: Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks with clear deadlines. Short-term goals help maintain focus and momentum, making it easier for the team to stay committed and productive.

These three tools will help your time away be not only possible (which is not the case in many businesses), but can truly set your team up to thrive in your absence. 

We’ll wrap up this series next week! See you right back here.




Empowering your team so you can travel and take time off in the summer