The Pitfalls of Compliant Preparation: Why "Checking the Box" Isn’t Enough
Let’s dive into what I call the compliant level of preparation. At this level, you do what’s expected—nothing more, nothing less. You’re driven by external expectations rather than an inner motivation to excel. In other words, you’re simply complying, going through the motions, and stopping short of taking any extra steps.
This is what I call a “check the box” mentality. It’s a mode that’s all too easy to slip into, and if you’re not careful, it can define an entire mediocre career. That might sound harsh, but it happens all the time. You see it in people who spend their careers busy with inessential tasks, never finding the time or energy to prepare in a way that truly positions them for success.
An Example from Coaching
Let me share an example from my time scouting at Kentucky. We would rotate the responsibility for scouting reports from game to game among the assistants. Over the years, I noticed that some assistants treated this task as something to churn out because it was required. Their mindset was, “This is my job. I did it.”
Don’t get me wrong—this was better than cursory work. The reports were accurate, but they lacked passion, curiosity, and that extra gear needed to dig deeper. It had the feel of “Look, I did my homework, and I did it well enough.”
For instance, some assistants would compile their reports by making a few calls to buddies in the coaching network to get insights on the opposing team. That was a good starting point, but for some, that’s where the effort ended. The report wasn’t wrong, but it felt mechanical, almost like a cut-and-paste job.
This reminds me of head coaches who copy the practice structures from great coaches they’ve worked with. They might think, “If it worked for them, it’ll work for me.” While there’s nothing wrong with learning from mentors—we should all do that—it’s crucial to make those lessons your own. You have to make adjustments that suit your team’s specific needs. The compliant level of preparation won’t get you there.
The Danger of Box-Checking
The surest sign of the compliant level of preparation is that box-checking mentality. You do everything you’re supposed to, but without digging any deeper. “All the boxes are checked; I did the job.” Another hallmark of this mentality is the expectation that simply doing the preparation guarantees success. Some people think they can sit back and wait for rewards to roll in after they’ve completed their tasks. But seasoned, mature leaders know better.
Preparation, even solid preparation, doesn’t guarantee a win. And it certainly doesn’t entitle you to kick back and wait for success to fall into your lap. This is especially true if your preparation is only average, merely checking the boxes.
The Results of Compliant Preparation:
When you prepare at a compliant, average level, you can’t expect anything more than average results. The formula is simple: average preparation = average outcomes.
Ask yourself this:
Am I a box-checker, or do I dig deeper in my preparation?
Do I rely on others to hand me success for doing a respectable job, or do I believe my success is ultimately up to me?
Take a moment to reflect on these questions. Moving beyond compliant preparation is essential if you want to achieve more than just average results. Aim to go deeper, to take ownership of your success, and to push beyond merely checking the boxes. Your future success depends on it.