How The Journey Began – Writing the First Word
If I’ve learned anything over the last few years of beginning my journey as an author, it’s that starting a book can feel like standing at the foot of a mountain. You look up, and the climb seems enormous. Writing a book about leadership, preparation, and success was something I felt called to do—but when I sat down to write The Winning Tools, and even Ready to Win – launching November 19, I got some great advice and realized something important. To get anywhere with it, I couldn’t focus on the whole mountain. I just needed to start with the first word.
It’s a lesson we’ve all heard before: start small. In writing, just putting down one word after another helps build momentum. That’s how each book started. If we let ourselves get paralyzed by the whole project, we’d never take the first step. I don’t know about you, but I have the tendency to get paralyzed by my own pursuit of perfection. This really gets in the way when you think about starting with a blank page and needing an entire book to appear before you.
In Ready to Win, I share many lessons I’ve learned throughout my career about becoming a prepared leader, but perhaps the biggest lesson I learned personally while writing was this: if I can trust in my own level of preparation to do my best on a project, I just have to start. The ball will start rolling, and soon enough, you’ll be on your way. So whatever you’re tackling this season, remember—write that first word, take that first step, make that first call. Just begin, and watch your journey unfold. I’m here to tell you that it might not be perfect, but it won’t happen at all if you let yourself stay stuck.
And hey, we are in a critically important time for Ready To Win – the pre-sale phase. Pre-sale numbers count toward some really powerful metrics for the book and it would mean the world to me if you’d hop on and pre-order it HERE. Not only will this mean that you’ll be one of the very first to receive your copy, but you’ll be one of the first to experience the power and impact of the value I’ve worked to inject into every page during the writing process. I’m honored to have you along for this journey!