Casual Preparation: Why "Winging It" is Hurting Your Success

Let’s talk about the lowest level of preparation: casual preparation. This is the kind of preparation that’s random, lacking intent, and often known as “winging it.” If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—you’re probably not living in this zone full-time. The fact that you’re reading a blog about preparation shows that you have an interest in doing better, something casual preparers don’t typically consider.

However, even the most dedicated professionals can slip into casual preparation in certain areas of their life. It’s easy to get hyper-focused on one part of your job or life, nailing the preparation there, while becoming random and unfocused in others. Maybe there are certain tasks at work that you dread, so you end up chronically unprepared to tackle them. Or perhaps you’re so focused on your career that you consistently neglect areas like personal health or relationships.

When you ignore these critical areas, they eventually catch up with you. That nagging feeling you get from not addressing important issues? It’s your lack of preparation chipping away at your peace of mind, ultimately hurting your ability to perform consistently at a high level.

Now, I’m not suggesting you need a 10-point battle plan for every aspect of your life. But it’s important to take a step back and think about where your preparation might be lacking. Where are you “winging it,” and what is that costing you?

The Results of Casual Preparation:

Here’s the reality—random preparation leads to random results. It’s like a lightning strike; you might get lucky once in a while, but you can’t count on it to happen consistently. If you want consistent success, you need to be intentional about your preparation across all areas of your life.

Are there areas of your life that are hurting your overall success because you’re ignoring preparation?

Take a moment to reflect on this. Identifying where you’re winging it is the first step toward getting back on track and making sure you’re fully prepared to succeed in all aspects of your life and career.


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