This book is the blueprint that shows you how to make it happen.

Hi there, I’m coach mitchell!

Having spent 25 years coaching some of the world's most skilled athletes on the basketball court, I'm now thrilled to bring these principles to leaders and executives. Our unique approach to our offerings — executive leadership coaching, engaging your organization through keynote speaking and workshops, and one-of-a-kind luxury leadership experiences — are all rooted in our operating system, The Winning Tools. Honesty, Hard Work, and Discipline anchor all that we do in order to help you and your team reach new heights and achieve sustained success.

BOOK A CALL: Book a free call with our team to discuss your business’ needs and see which of our offerings can best serve you and your organization! We look forward to working together! 





“Coach Mitchell was the first coach I had who really lived by honesty, hard work, and discipline. He helped me see the power of being consistent in those three principles, and how they can literally change your life one day at a time.” — Azia B.

“Matthew gives us easy steps we can use in our everyday life that helped him become one of the most successful basketball coaches at Kentucky. Thankful for his values and sharing his lessons with us!— Lisa M.

  • Tool #1: Honesty

    If you simply think of honesty as telling the bare minimum truth, that’s not a winning tool. The kind of honesty I’m talking about means surfacing all the issues, always acting with integrity, and being truthful with yourself about how much effort you’re putting forth.

  • Tool #2: Hard work

    Here’s another simple-sounding tool that has deeper layers. To be a good leader, you need to help your team get a clear understanding of the value of hard work and how it can transform organizations (and also lives). People are willing to work harder once they understand its value.

  • Tool #3: Discipline

    Discipline relies heavily on mental toughness. How do you keep the right attitude, even when things seem to be going against you? And do you often overreact in the moment, or are you developing the skill of perspective? As a leader, if you fail at discipline, so will your team.